We believe that "The Double Connexion" is one of a kind with its interactive approach to the mental game. We have not been able to find any other script presently either in print or production that matches or approximates that claim.
If that is an untrue statement and
someone can show us differently, then we will take the claim down
from this website.
The Double Connexion corrects existing mis-information that has clouded essentials, removes myths that prejudice game development and then interactively shows HOW to get your game from the practice tee to the golf course.
If you are serious about wanting to play on automatic, you will need more than an admonition that says "don't think, just let it go," to get there. An interactive approach will show exactly what that means, how it works, and how to implement it. You only need to ask yourself one question at that point. Did anyone ever show you what automatic is and how it works? or was that just an admonishment or assumption?
Most players appear to believe that they already play on automatic (by habit), which they expect to maintain by spending as much time as possible trying to "groove" their swings. That is usually connected by instructors to the magical "muscle memory" thesis. Of course, if our swings really became grooved you'd think we would not require so much time "learning." Maybe it's just that we become forgetful overnight, so we must hit the range to check the memory of our swings. Perhaps learning is fickle and secretly enjoys not working for us. Good thing we were not given to that much trouble remembering how to ride a bicycle, walk, or put on our clothes. If you only play once a year, that's one thing. But if you play regularly, it may be time to ask yourself why it's so hard to keep the swing going.
A simple statement of intention will not do it. It takes a set of thoroughly predetermined actions. We have to build habits. In turn, that necessitates knowing how habits are built and preserved. It does not just happen.
Our Double Connexion CD Rom book will help you understand and learn HOW that happens. In addition, we will provide a free playing profile with the purchase of the Book. If desired, however, the profiling program continues to be offered as a stand alone service. Check with us for the applicable fees.
The information in this book has been the nucleus of more than ten years of advanced education seminars required for member professionals of the PGA of America. It has also been used in numerous clinics and seminars for players of all skill levels in the USA and Canada. It is now available to ALL golfers.
Its author is Carey G. Mumford, who also wrote GOLFs BEST KEPT SECRET.
In addition you may want to examine the contents of our Putting eBook, which presents material that is new and heretofore untouched in other resources available for untroubled putting in the game.
For Downloading Books and securing your profile, please visit our Transaction Page. Your profile responses will be forwarded automatically to us and returned to you via email.
After you have entered your credit information with PayPal, please email us for an unlock code for your eBook purchase.
As an additional service, we permit complimentary phone conferences for one month after purchase. After that, there is a small fee for phone service, but email responses are always accepted.
Phone: 931-788-6758
130 Highland Drive,
Crossville, TN 38572