Golf is often called an analogy or metaphor for life.
So we will speak in metaphoric language.

To play the game on automatic, one must keep out what is undesireable in our conscious thinking and put in what will preserve a mental environment that is not silent, but calm and quiet. We do that with a Clear Key, which is the mental management tool for putting any golfer on automatic. The Clear Key also acts as a lock to keep "thieves" away from our "valuables," aka the skills we have comitted to memory and built into habits

In golf, there are two master thieves. One is "an armed burglar" and the other is a "pickpocket." Anxiety is armed and dangerous, and will take your lunch and eat it, too, while you look helplessly down the barrel of the gun called "pressure." A faulty "latch" is like the shifty robber that picks your pocket, lifts your wallet and uses your credit cards. That happens when you try to "hit and think about your swing" at the same time. You'll know when you've been ripped off all the way to your social security number, since that's when you'll discover the "yips."

So what have you been told about those two "culprits?" They are BAD news, right? OK, so what have you been offered as tools to deal with those "baddies?"

To handle anxiety...we are told have to "play through it; you'll get used to it; learn to ignore it; just don't think about it; breathe deeply; learn to have confidence; slow down your swing; walk slower; think more slowly; develop your "muscle memory," (which means, "after your muscles know what to do, you can cut off your head and let your body play without fear"); and we leave a blank here so you can add your favorite.

To restrict thinking while swinging...we are told..."just don't think; breathe deeply; cut down the number of thoughts (usually to no more than two); develop a good routine; use swing keys; develop your 'muscle memory' so you don't have to think;" and we leave a blank here so you can add your favorite.

If you are honest with yourself, there is a very good chance that you have a lot more fear from "losing" your swing in the middle of a game than you have that someone may break in your home and steal your belongings. In other words, you trust the home locks more than the game locks...a lot more.

Home locks don't need any comment. Game locks do. Your game is locked in, locked down, or locked up by how well your memory works in relation to the action you create, particularly while you are in the learning mode.

This is not connected to what you may have heard and believed about "muscle memory." Muscle memory could be the #1 golf world misrepresentation of the last hundred years (another millennial tid-bit).

In any event, it took a whole book for us to write the disclaimer and explain how the connection and relationship between the mind and the body really works and what it delivers.

Any custodian or "resource manager" that claims to be able to "arrest these two thieves" needs to demonstrate HOW that is supposed to happen. That explanation should be clear and show a validated strategy. If a vendor tells you his/her product is able to protect your home competely, you are well advised to request a demonstration, or barring that to heed the advice - "buyer beware."

It is fascinating to consider how long and hard golf instructors, gurus, psychologists, hypnotists, theorists, academicians, coaches, writers and players have honestly and convincingly tried to solve these problems and produce improved players and conditions. It is even more fascinating that with all that, there is not much gain to show. Only Tiger Woods has managed to do much to the scoring averages that have been around for a long time. Equipment, course conditioning and player strength may have done a little, but not much.

So how shall we account for that lack of success? Well...we might chase "more of the same;" we can certainly find disguises of old stuff with new phrases; we can say the same things and add "Hey, it's all your fault because you didn't really commit yourself;" ... OR ... we could admit that there must be something missing from our portfolios and look and listen carefully to find it.

The latter strategy would require an open mind and ear, which isn't a noticeable trait in the lives of most of those who are working overtime - bigtime - to CONTROL their swings, their games and their emotions.

Under such circumstances, human beings do not listen, see or comprehend very well. And if that offends you, you need to be offended, as in "hitting the mule in the head to get his attention."

How remote listening has become is illustrated by a passage from a 1968 book that has nothing to do with golf, but does support our thesis here.

Earl Scruggs, in his book "The Five String Banjo" (page 25) says

"The word 'habit' can always be broken by patience and practice.  Do not expect too much of yourself.  At the same time, do not underestimate your ability.  Take your time.  Do these exercises over and over and over until after awhile, you will be doing them while thinking about something else."


We are certainly not the first top see how the lock works, and we aren't likely to be the last.

Our claim is not an idle one. We will provide you with a means to confirm what we offer - by CD, phone and email if you want distance learning, or in person at our site, if you want to go "hands on."

The description and methodology (the "what" and "how") for your golf game are found in Carey Mumford's Book on CD Rom --"THE DOUBLE CONNEXION"
