A critical
vacuum has existed for a long time in vitually all typical
education programs, including golf. There is a range of important,
basic information which has failed to find its way into the
mainstream. We get our reading, writing and arithmetic and even
our physics, calculus, chemistry and history. However, most are
never touched by the basic insights that help us understand our
own and other's behavior. Hence, there is a void in one of the
most fundamental areas of information needed for both work and
play. To be sure, we need it for our daily activities, not to
mention our golf games. But it is especially vital to golf,
because of the solitary nature of the game.
Most golfers appear not to be aware of this mammoth omission.
Truth is, they don't know it's there, so they've had no reason
for concern. That means their motors have been running on another
kind of fuel. There are plenty of golfers who want to score in
the 60's. Problem is they have little or no clues to the
necessary ingredients to get there. Conversely, there are a very
few golfers we know who respect the stages of growth and
development in human life and know that those forces also affect
the development of a golf game. They may have learned only that
it takes time to complete their development. The majority of
players, however, would prefer to arrive without having to make
the trip.
Add to those two
missing elements the entire knowledge and action base that is
required to understand and implement the
automatic process, and you have the "formula" that
prevents elevated the game to the next level - a
"place" that golfers cry out for at every turn.
KeyGolf is in Crossville,
TN, with trained associates in CO, AZ, CA and FL. Our
professionals are fully informed in all these areas. They know
how to foster the implementation of the basic principles of human
development for learning and playing processes in golf. Where
others may teach "swing," they help players learn.
There are,
of course, many found on forums and at "learning
centers" who promote and use corollaries to basic
principles. That is good, as far as corollaries can go, but it
tends to focus attention on problems rather than solutions and on
results themselves, rather than a means for getting to the
result. Corollaries are like spokes in a wheel. They function
better with a hub, are great supports, but they are not central
in their functional value. At some point in life, we may want to
stop looking at the headache and the aspirin and take a harder
look at the self-management necessary to reduce the aches.
Perhaps we can eliminate them altogether.
Simply put, golf's mental game is an activity not just a way of
thinking and feeling. It's a whole New Golf
Psychology, bringing balance to the game and
eliminating "headaches."
It is now
very clear that the physical game, made up primarily of swing
skills, cannot be completed, mastered and memorized without a
full grasp, and understanding of what is required for DOING what
the mental game calls for. Simply put, one cannot master, or
habitualize, the swing without mental mastery. Conversely, a
mental game isn't worth having without the swing to match.
At KeyGolf, we employ a
thoroughly researched and studied program. It is an integrated
approach that brings balance to the WHOLE GAME. We understand
that is the only way one can finally achieve a completely
satisfying game, at any level of play.
We make it possible for anyone, and everyone to play the game at
his/her own best level as readily as they put on their clothes,
drive their cars and brush their teeth on a daily basis. Anyone
willing to listen and learn can do it. It is being done already
by players we know. From 9 years old to 85, and from
"muny" courses to the professional tours, the new
chapter is being written now.
For More Information, please Contact:
130 Highland Drive
Crossville, TN 38572
The Double
Connexion Balances Your Game
Golf's Best Kept
For information and validation of your playing/learning or teaching style, visit
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